AI Localizer

AI Localizer is a powerful tool for effortlessly adding localized translations to Xcode projects. It supports up to 37 languages and utilizes AI technology for automatic translation of app content.

Automatically translate Xcode projects to 37 languages with AI.

AI Localizer

How to Use AI Localizer

Localize your app to multiple languages in Xcode with AI Localizer by simply selecting languages, choosing the translation options, and easily editing or proofreading translations.

AI Localizer Core Features

⭐️ Automatic app translation to 37+ languages

⭐️ Effortless localization of Xcode projects

⭐️ Various translation options including AI, Microsoft Azure, and Google Translate

⭐️ Supports all Xcode localizable formats

AI Localizer Use Cases

⭐️ Translate iOS or macOS apps into multiple languages

⭐️ Seamlessly add localized translations to Xcode projects

AI Localizer FAQ

Can I use my own translation service with AI Localizer?

Yes, you can configure AI Localizer to use your own Microsoft Azure or Google Translate account.