Submit Tool

Submit your AI tool and get traffic from the T0 AI directory

Add <a href="" title="T0 AI Tools Directory">T0 AI Tools Directory</a> to your website homepage, and your submission will be approved automatically for free!

Get Submit Pack for submissions of AI tools

Frequently asked questions

Is there a fee to list my tool on your site?

Listing your tool on our site is completely free at the moment. Feel free to submit your tool for consideration.

What do I receive when I submit my tool?

You will receive a `dofollow` link, which can help improve your site's SEO. The link will be placed strategically on our site.

What is the process and timeline for listing my tool after submission?

Once your submission is approved, your tool will be listed within 48 hours. Depending on the quality and uniqueness of the tool, it may also be featured prominently.

Will my tool listing on your site ever expire?

We will ensure that your site is functioning properly. As long as your site remains online, your link will remain active on our site.

How can I get in touch if I have more questions?

For any further inquiries, please feel free to contact us via email.